Since I had some extra time during the stay at home order, I worked on some refinishing projects. My first project included creating a hanging plant shelf for my room.
During my final semester at the U, I had the amazing opportunity to create floral designs. Above are some of my favorite designs that I created.
I have always had fun creating things with my hands. Here are a few pictures of my favorite screenprints. The color separation was even selected to be framed for the U of M Office of Student Affairs.
I created these buttons to sell on campus. Our university graphic design group created many different buttons to help raise money for Black Paint to come talk.
While studying abroad in Sydney, AU, I worked at a letterpress studio. I had a lot of fun helping out on the production team and was even able to design and print my own card.
I love photography and am working to learn more about it. Above are two of my favorite pictures I have taken with my DSL camera.